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As a designer it's my business to know when it is...

Adobe Suite CS5!
Being one of many in attendance to the weblive unveiling that Adobe hosted, I got to see first hand alot of what this new batch of software is capable of. Since this is a beloved topic, i may talk for a long while. I am particularly a graphic designer that dabbles in web. So my poison on a regular basis would be the "Design Premium." But it would be foolish of me to pick any just one given the interactivity they all have with each other. I mean Adobe took it to another level here, as said by all who worked on it. I am not surprised by the level of additives, just the timing. Maybe to most this is a great time frame given the ever constant change in technology, but come on... I just got my hands on the CS4 in full not several months ago. I digress as not to sound as if i'm whining. But it's a great look and to get more on the all of Adobe Suite 5 and it's capabilities, take a visit to the