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In My Opinion: "Just Wright"

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IMO = in my opinion. This segment will lend me the opportunity to speak my mind on the various things offered to us from pop culture. From movies to music I can lend my opinion to what the masses think or feel. I just want to say something when everyone has had there chance to do the same.

Here goes nothing!

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In A Flash: RWD Studios

"In a Flash" is my creative way of showcasing a really cool "flash" website. I was assigned the task of "flash" research by my Flash professor here at the Art Institute of Washington. So here is the fruit of my labors...

Today... RWD Studio.


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The Rundown (Sunday , May 16)

"The Rundown"

This is a new segment, implemented by moi, to showcase a few pieces of art from the web that i feel deserving to get a notable mention. maybe to boost traffic to it, or just to show off a talent.

This week i want to go into a few of my favorite photographs from the ever popular "deviant art." They are "female" dominated to say the least, but this is my first rundown and I found these beautiful. So enjoy.

I love these hope you do as well.


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What the... Wow


It's the largest living room in America.

Read more on the duo who created it over at Architonic