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Wishlist: Nirvana: Taking Punk to the Masses Exhibition @ Experience Music Project Science Fiction Museum

The people closes to me know how much of a fan I am of nirvana, the ones even closer know I have been listening to them since childhood. now they have this awesome exhibit going down in there hometown of Seattle and where am I? Stuck in terrible ass Virginia. Man check the Exhibition highlights through the link...

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The Creative Book

To my amusement, I was contacted with word of a new upstart in the works that would give a creative professionals in the fields of Modeling, photography, styling & directing, a place to show off there portfolios. What's so coincidentally funny is I was going to do the same exact thing in magazine form coming this summer. But never mind that, this is my assessment of the site. It's a nice little slice of the internet and the design is playful and approachable.

Could not get too hands on as it is in sort of an invite beta stage. But it is coming. For more info on the project or to have yourself be one of the first few apart of such a project head over to The Creative Book.

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IMO: The Fighter

It pains me sometimes as to how detached I am from the outside world. I find myself blaming it on work, school, etc. but I miss so much. Like getting to see “The Fighter” grace the big screen. Never the less, I saw the film, and in my opinion, it was spectacular. Truly deserving of all its praise and accolades.


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Art Circle: Melissa Campa

Caught a glimpse of her work over on tumblr, followed a link to the rest of this beautiful stuff. Slight in personality and almost macabre at times, Melissa Campa, a hard one to get info on since I don't translate much spanish, has a body of work that echoes her talented career. Not a teacher, she has been in numerous gallery showings, won countless awards, and ow teaches. I love her color pencil pieces the most.

Check out more through the link...



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Childish Gambino - Freaks and Geeks

Freaks and Geeks from Donald Glover on Vimeo.

I almost feel like Donald and Gambino are two separate entities and i don't want to speak them in the same breath. But wow, i'm sold on the visuals Who though something as simple as a close up would give life to this track. Aside from the metaphors and all the relatability in the world, his energy is attracting and the music is just god. I mean come on, check out the videos, Freaks and Geeks.