Weighing in on Wale - Attention Deficit

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A good one just hit the streets. Peep this, he's from the hometown.

I have to say honestly, I wasn't expecting much from the DMV born and bread rapper. But he has, over leaps and bounds, impressed me with this offering from the hip hop gods. i have had to listen multiple times to even catch the witty and intelligent metaphors that plague this cd. He goes through everything, from his african background, to the expectations. he even toughed on a personal subject of my own... light skinned women. But he does this while maintaining that sense of party like atmosphere he gave us countless number of times in his mixtapes and features. being that he is one of the 09 freshmen, i have worries that he wont get the play he deserves. But man i stand by saying, look out for Wale.

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