For the longest time now, Manny Paquiao and Flloyd Mayweather have been dominating forces in the realm of boxing.
Recently it was suggested that these giants meet head to head in a end all be all match to fighter supremacy.
But a recent development has derailed the fight taking place...
Pacquiao's camp is refusing to have Manny blood tested 2 days before the fight.
Manny feels that that amount of blood being taken from him so close to the fight would hav an adversed affect on his body.
I agree, but really this is a ploy set in place by Flloyd himself and he is standing by it.
Pacquiao agreed to 24/7 urine testing and a blood test right after the match.
But not before...
lets see what happens.
Fight of the Century... Not happening?
23.12.09 | Comments Off